Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Depressed or relieved - Is it a toss up? or Have i decided?

Am I Depressed???
1. Passion with which I was following up on the matches - on the net, on paper, on TV - has vanished.. If I put that in percentage terms, from 120%, its now at around 10%!
2. The constant feeling that 'whoever wins, whats there in it for me'!
3. The pessimistic outlook that 'Its all fixed. Whoever is being offered more money by the bookies, will do according to the bookies' script'.

Am I relieved??
1. I can sleep more!!!!! (WOW!! I think I know the answer to the title question already! ;))
2. I have more time on my hands now that I dont need to read up all the articles written on cricinfo, espnstar, rediff (all online) and the Times of India newspaper.
3. This is better for my life as a wife and mother. My husband and kid get shouted-at less now as I am more relaxed, i am sleeping well and there is no tensed feeling as if an elephant is standing on my stomach during the match days!
4. Its good for my vocal cords as I am not screaming at anyone anymore.. Until 3 days back, even if the channel was getting changed for one second during the irritably long commercial breaks, the window panes in my house used to rattle with the resonance effect!!
5. Realisation has dawned that this team who cannot hit sixes cannot be the world champions in a format where hitting-sixes matters the most (Proof - There is a counter of tournament sixes during the match and nothing on fours or wickets or number of cheerleaders or anything else!!)

By the look of this analysis, its proven beyond doubt that I am more relaxed than anything else.
Thanks Team India.. for letting the normal-me come back to life!! :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Long time reader first time poster (as they say on the radio).

    Not to sound protologically challenged, but the usage of any number over 100 when putting things in percentage basis to describe things really gets my goat. I am sure you are referring to the numbers here more in terms of relative comparison, and not in terms of actual measure but serious, what does it mean when one says 120%? Does it mean you are capable of living in a different dimension to capture the additional 20% of passion? Where is the leverage coming from?

    In reality you can only be invested 100%, so why not say that instead of adding on the numbers to make it more dramatic. Cricketers always do this when they say, "he put in his 110%", and it is annoying.

    Having said that, your sentiments are perfectly understood. One thing I have realized from following the 'boys' (no captain will ever refer to the players as 'men') in blue is that they never cease to disappoint. Higher the pre-match hype, greater the disappointment. Never doubt their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
