Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rank up the rivalry please!!

4 weeks ago the whole of India felt so happy that SRT had finally won a world cup. But things have changed now. After seeing his team score a partly 94 in 20 overs at Jaipur last week SRT blamed the pitch. The whole of Rajasthan (ok I am exaggerating) has now reacted against SRT's statement. The gist of the comments seem to suggest with sarcasm that pitches where SRT makes good runs are good pitches while those where he gets out cheaply are not good pitches.
Alright, now we are talking. May be the banter should continue. Only then will we be able to achieve the city vs city rivalry that is required for the IPL to go to the next level.
For example, there are 4 teams from the south - as a DC fan, my prime opponent must be CSK and to an extent RCB and KTK. MI and PWI must be fierce derby rivals. MI and RR must now become rivals because of the banter. DD, KKR and MI must be fierce rivals as well given the cities they represent. CSK and KTK must be south coast rivals. KXIP and DD must contest the northern derby. RR and KXIP must contest the second northern derby. Somebody please help me kick it up!!

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