Thursday, May 12, 2011

Not yet recovered

I had almost decided to watch the DC v DD match at Hyderabad at the stadium. But decided against mostly because of laziness. But when I watched the first half of the match on TV I almost regretted not going. After all (I was thinking so) DC were going to win with DD struggling 6 overs into the chase. But what happened after that left me speechless. I was so dumbstruck, it felt almost like an attack of paralysis. That day I stopped watching the IPL and haven't recovered yet. Luckily work took me to Singapore and I need not watch the IPL anymore. Anyway keeping my DC inclined heart apart I must acknowledge that it was special from Veeru. But I am just wondering why he didn't opt for surgery a bit earlier.
As for my passion for DC, with DC destined to finish last, my shoulders have already dropped.

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