Monday, April 5, 2010

The thing with lame anchors

It's ridiculous. Mandira Bedi is officially a cricket expert now while the likes of Ayushman, Angad, Gaurav (did you watch him with that stupid looking beard yesterday) and Samir Kochar are making a joke of the position she vacated at Set Max. With the likes of Harsha Bhogle, Danny Morrison and Ravi Shastri just doing commentary (wherein they are mostly singing praise of you know who) these "juniors" are making watching the IPL very very uninteresting.
Finally there was the IPL josh at the IPL. What a weekend! about 80 sixes in 4 matches compared to about 300 in all previous games put together- 31 matches for 300 sixes and 80 for the last 4. Now that is what I was looking for.
When I looked at the performances of the Indians over the 4 matches - there was one clear fact that came out. There are at least 4 players who must be on the flight to the West Indies - SRT is obvious. But we also need Vijay, Uthappa and Mishra in that group. Come on selectors - there is still some time left!
Finally, DC proved again that don't seem like being ready for the fight. Every time they do very well until the 15th over (bat and bowl) and then things go haywire. Firstly, they need a proper bowler to bowl at the top - Roach,RP Singh and Vaas required at the top of their performance levels here. Then they need to find someone who can hold up the later order after Gilly and co perish at the top. Also given the 4 foreign player clause - time for either Gibbs or Symonds to sit out may be?

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