Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ego at the nation's cost

Here is proof to indicate how the nation's pride hangs around the rotund bellies of egomaniacs that rule Indian sports. When the Asian Olympic Association decided to have T20 cricket at this year's Asian Games I was licking my lips at the prospect of seeing India win another gold at Asian games. But the decision not to send the team to China by the group of fat men who constitute the BCCI baffles me extremely! All this because the BCCI and the Indian Olympic Association have egomaniacs ruling them and do not want to be on the same page. It is a pity that a billion Indians can be taken for a ride by a few men who know nothing about sports and the spirit of sports! But then what is the point in making noise through this blog? If anything, the only responses I can expect to this blog are defamation notices from the egomaniacs!

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