Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dump the racist please

The arrogant Aussie sob John Howard (how racist is that??) seems destined to be shown the exit door on his ICC VP ambitions. Going by reports, six of ten boards including the Indian board have rejected his nomination. I hope this turns out true and the racist gets the boot. Please dump the racist. We have had enough racists already in the ICC.
Elsewhere, amidst the blaring of the vuvuzelas, the cricket world whispered the format of the 2nd T20 Champions League to be held in S Africa later this year. CSK have avoided both MI and RCB and it could be refreshing for them. But they do have Victoria and Wayamba to contend. MI and RCB certainly have the tough ones.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ego at the nation's cost

Here is proof to indicate how the nation's pride hangs around the rotund bellies of egomaniacs that rule Indian sports. When the Asian Olympic Association decided to have T20 cricket at this year's Asian Games I was licking my lips at the prospect of seeing India win another gold at Asian games. But the decision not to send the team to China by the group of fat men who constitute the BCCI baffles me extremely! All this because the BCCI and the Indian Olympic Association have egomaniacs ruling them and do not want to be on the same page. It is a pity that a billion Indians can be taken for a ride by a few men who know nothing about sports and the spirit of sports! But then what is the point in making noise through this blog? If anything, the only responses I can expect to this blog are defamation notices from the egomaniacs!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Racist racist racist

The other day I was at a bookstore and watched someone buying a copy of the book "The Gamechangers" written by the man who calls himself "Fake IPL Player" - such a coward. Anyway, his cowardice is a completely different topic to speak about. But I have a question for people who endorse him by buying his book. The fake names he christened for those involved in the IPL were funny. Everyone enjoyed it. But consider the names again. Were they really enjoyable? Did you really enjoy making fun of cricket players using those names? Take for example the name Appam Chuttiya. Appam is a popular dish in Kerala. By naming Sreesanth as Appam Chuttiya the coward has made fun of not just Sree but the whole of Kerala! But then we only see the joke and not the intention of the perpetrators. To put it straight, every fake name he conjured up was the result of a mind bent on racism. And here we are endorsing him by buying his book and making him even more famous! God help us all.
Speaking of racism, it is good to see some cricket boards objecting to the appointment of racist Howard as the ICC VP. The man is from a country that is known for racism and has himself been racist enough to call Murali a "chucker". What else would one need to banish him from cricket? I think the Asian nations in the ICC must reject him outright!