Monday, October 12, 2009

Truth is out

They may have the money. They may have the stars. They may have glamor. But the first matches of the CLT20 for the teams of the IPL have proved that the real talent still lies elsewhere. DD looked like an indomitable force during IPL2 before that loss to RCB in the semifinals. But the other day against the Victorians (VB), they showed how weak they were. One thing the CL has already thrown into the open is the fact that IPL still has a long way to go in terms of being a competitive league.
Staying on the same topic, NSW Blues (NSWB) and Cape Cobras (CC) seem the strongest teams in the fray now. They will probably be the teams that will be contesting the final on Oct 23. That would be a telling blow to ticket sales at the grounds - Unless DD, DC and RCB bring about a whirlwind turnaround.
By the way... I am still rooting for my team though - Go Chargers Go!!

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