Thursday, September 17, 2009

Of bungee jumps and contract refusals

Cricket seems to have entered a new phase. The advent of T20 has now resulted in a new business terminology - freelance cricketer*. After Andrew Symonds, its not the turn of Andrew Flintoff to turn a freelance cricketer. Freedy went to the extend of rejecting a contract offered by the ECB stating that he had to take a bungee jump in a television program as the reason for rejection. Undoubtedly it's the lucrative money from the IPL that must have prompted this decision. But just as players tend to be clever when it comes to earning money, the IPL has gone a step further. They have ruled that a player can play in the IPL only if he has received clearance from his national board. Now that's a case of the snake eating itself - How is it going to end?

* A freelance cricketer is someone who doesn't have a contract with his national team board and is available to play domestic cricket (especially T20 cricket) at his will for teams in any country.

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