Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The magic of 194

10 years after Saeed Anwar limped and thrashed 194 runs against India in a ODI, the record has been equaled. But quite unfortunately, there seems to be absolutely no coverage on this. That left me wondering - what if Sachin Tendulkar had achieved this? Another interesting point to note was that the 194 runs record set by Anwar was not eclipsed but only equaled - what is it with 194? Sadly for the record breaker - Chris Coventry of Zimbabwe - the match ended in the favor of the opposition. But still kudos to the unknown hero.
As expected Rahul Dravid has driven his way back into the Indian team - a selection that has come in for some harsh criticism. But let's face it. The Champions Trophy is just a month away and India cannot afford another embarrassing exit from another tournament. So this is probably the only worthwhile solution for the issue. Give him a chance - after all, he has a better record in South Africa than the special one.

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